For classroom instruction to be fair toward all ethnic and cultural backgrounds, it needs to be considered in the curriculum design. According to Gorski (2011), changes need to be taken into account on these areas:
- Delivery must acknowledge diverse learning styles, readiness level and dynamics of power in the classroom.
- Content must be complete, unbiased and accurate, acknowledging and supporting perspectives of all groups.
- Teaching and learning materials need to be examined to make sure there is no bias.
- Content needs to be presented with variety of perspectives to be complete.
- Include and engage students to learn from others’ experiences and perspectives.
- Encourage students’ critical thinking toward all material presented.
- Discuss social issues and address culturally diverse topics and taboos such as racism, sexism and homophobia.
- Assess the curriculum with other teachers and update based on their and students’ feedback.
The idea is to make curriculum student centered and transformational, developing critical thinking, fully integrated and connected lives, and build relationship skills and participation in the community.
Eero Tunkelo
Gorski, Paul C. “7 Key Characteristics of a Multicultural Education Curriculum.” 7 Key Characteristics of a Multicultural Education Curriculum. EdChange and the Multicultural Pavilion, n.d. Web. 16 May 2012. <>.