InTASC Standards

These are the InTASK Standards in four (4) areas – described and evidence how they are met:

The Learner and Learning

Standard #1: Learner Development

The teacher understands how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and designs and implements developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences


Standard #2: Learning Differences

The teacher uses understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures
and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.

Evidence: My highest priority approach to understanding the differences in the learners and strategies appropriate to each pattern of behavior and learning style that emerges in the classroom. Teacher also needs to be aware of the culturally and racially biased expectations that statistically will come up, unless addressed. Finally, teachers need to be able to create multicultural curriculum and take into account all different types of diverse learners. To handle this standard, I would inspire good relationships, have equally positive expectations for all, and I would offer diversified material for learning and assignments.

Standard #3: Learning Environments

The teacher works with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self motivation.


Details on the learning environment I create and the methods thorough which I will do so can be found under my Comprehensive Classroom Management Plan. I particularly like incorporating the Love and Logic approach.

Content Knowledge

Standard #4: Content Knowledge

The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he or she teaches and creates learning experiences that make the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.

Evidence: Examples of my understanding of the central concepts, tools of inquiry and structures of the disciplines, and the learning experience I create can be found from the curriculum section of this portfolio. For an example of making discipline accessible and meaningful, see my zero and negative exponents lesson presentation. Each lesson plan I have created shows mastery of the content and standards they adhere to.

Standard #5: Application of Content

The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.


In mathematics, connections are best show with a concept map. Different perspectives for triggering critical thinking and creatively is best engaged in collaborative problem solving groups. Practical applications give a context to the concepts but also a point of view that helps mathematical pattern recognition to develop in real life.

Instructional Practice

Standard #6: Assessment

The teacher understands and uses multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.

Evidence: See my formative assessments for the lessons I taught and quiz which is a summative assessment of what they learned during the algebra classes. The score on these demonstrate knowledge and skills they have learned during the class.

Standard #7: Planning for Instruction

The teacher plans instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.


See my semester designunit design, and one week design with individual lessons. In formulating these curriculum designs, I intended to address all six elements of curriculum development: community and context, subject knowledge, purposes, curriculum design, instructional plan, and evaluation plan.

Standard #8: Instructional Strategies

The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.


The lessons found under my curriculum page represent a variety of strategies. For example, my lesson on “Zero and Negative Exponents” uses the “direct” method. My lesson on “Multiplying Powers With the Same Base” uses an indirect teaching method, and my lesson titled “Applying vertex-edge graphs to represent real-life situations and to solve real-life problems” uses the collaborative learning strategy.

Professional Responsibility

Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and uses evidence to continually evaluate his/her practice, particularly the effects of his/her choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapts practice to meet the needs of each learner.


My attitude as a professional lifelong learner the paragraphs of my multiple posts on reflections.


Standard #10: Leadership and Collaboration

The teacher seeks appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.


My determination to participate in advancing the teaching profession as both a leader and a collaborator can be found expressed in the my theory of teaching and in my reflections.
